Action for Happiness has come up with this ingenious phrase to encapsulate everything you need to have a happy life.
They call it GREAT DREAM, with each letter standing for something you need to do to ensure a happy life.We wanted to share with you the concept behind this great programme, but please be sure to visit to find out more.
Giving : Doing things for others, giving your time and ideas, not just your money, helping out where you can. Connecting with people in a kind and caring way by doing good for them makes you feel good about yourself – and you help them out as well.
Relating : Connecting with people who mean a lot to you is crucial to a happy life as they provide love, support and give you a feeling of self-worth. Those with good, broad social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer.
Exercising : This is a no-brainer, exercise makes you feel better emotionally and physically. We were made to be active – do it often and any way you can from dancing around your living room to running for the bus.
Appreciating : Stop and take notice of the world around you to feel an instant connection to life. It stops you dwelling on the past or future and connects you to the power of the present moment.
Trying Out : Keep learning new skills, techniques, languages, sports, songs and so on. There must be loads of things out there you’ve never tried but want to. Go for it as often as you can.
Direction : Set yourself some exciting goals that you know you can achieve. This will get you excited about life and feeling good about the future. Plus when you reach your dreams, you’ll feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
Resilience : Find ways to help you cope in tough times, so anxiety and stress don’t take their toll. You can choose how to react to life’s difficulties, you don’t have to let them get you down; get whatever help you need. It’s a natural skill that needs encouragement.
Emotion : Try to feel more positive emotions including joy, contentment, gratitude and love, as doing this will increase your upbeat feelings over time. It’s alright being realistic, but try to focus on the good stuff more.
Acceptance : Love yourself and others for what they are and try not to compare. Accepting every bit of yourself, and being kind to yourself when things go wrong, increases wellbeing and enjoyment of life.
Meaning : Make your life have meaning by being part of something bigger, finding your purpose and living it, or doing a job that makes a difference – not necessarily a paid job. Being a good parent or partner makes you feel good about yourself – and others, too.
See loads more on
Plus if you get the chance, get along to Interrogate! Happiness Festival, in Devon, this weekend. This exciting event will be exploring all areas of Happiness, see here for details:
Note : Previously published on